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SELF-CARE: To prioritize consistently checking in with and caring for myself, my physical and mental health, and my overall wellness to ensure I can put the best version of myself each and every day.  


Individual Strategies for Maintaining Physical Health

  • Working out for at least 30 minutes a day, 4 days of the week 

  • Practicing yoga at least 3 mornings a week

  • Going for a walk every day, even a short one 

  • Taking a screen time break during lunch

  • Preparing healthy meals and packing lunches 5 days a week

  • Maintaining a regular sleep schedule (bedtime 9:30pm, wakeup 5:00am)

Practicum Self-Care:
20 Minutes Each Day

  • Eating my lunch mindfully every day and ensuring I drink at least 2 water bottles

  • Joining in on walks around the school yard with my partner teacher and students when available 

  • Taking a break from screen time to read for at least 20 minutes every day

  • Writing one statement of gratitude every night 

  • Meditating before bed each night to help wind down, set intentions, and prepare for a restful sleep

  • Stretching for at least 10 minutes every morning 

University of Calgary Resources & Supports Available

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Responding to Stressful Events

  • Taking deep breaths 

  • Going for a quick walk outside of the direct environment

  • Talking to a trusted friend or family member about how I'm feeling 

  • Practicing gratitude and reconnecting to the why in the work I am doing

  • Practicing a mindfulness, anxiety-reducing exercise, by listing: ​​

    • 5 things you can see​

    • 4 things you can touch

    • 3 things you can hear

    • 2 things you can smell

    • 1 thing you can taste 

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Actions to Take to Reach
My Self-Care Goals

  • Checking in once a week with a U of C classmate and/or friend as an accountability buddy to discuss our experiences and ensure we are each doing okay

  • Having a posted calendar/checklist in my house to visually reinforce goals

  • Preparing my lunches the night before and setting both bedtime and morning alarms consistently

  • Planning ahead, chunking work, and maintaining a consistent schedule with organized, allocated topic times

  • Finding time each weekend to reflect on the week and note the positive learning experiences in my journey so far

Self-Care Reflection ... Two Stars and a Wish

Something that went will with implementing my self care plan.

One thing I would like to do differently, improve on, or change for next time. 

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In combination with maintaining my sleep schedule, stretching every morning helped wake me up to feel calm and ready for the day. 


Taking breaks from screen time to eat mindfully, go for a walk, or socialize with other staff during the lunch hour provided a nice break to check in with myself and refocus moving forward.

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I would like to set aside time once a week to have a phone call or Zoom call with a peer, to share their experience and help me reflect more throughout the process. 

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